Devlog 3

The goal for our team was to look back at the notes taken and add the changes and feedback we were given. Things like adding a tutorial. Make the dialogue harder to guess correct, Give more choice based option so the player feels more opinionated in the game.

For this weeks Devlog my goal was to finish the tutorial for our game. A lot of players who haven't played novel based games did not understand the controls and were lost without a prompt that gets you started.

I wanted to take some advice for more options/dialogue I can add to keep the player playing, But that involved going back to the script that as made, revisions in itself were remade.

My goal for this week is to continue making revisions. Adding another encounter in this level is also a must that needs to be added as well as more dialogue and choice based options that are soundproof within the level. I effectively need it to make sense.

To stay on track of what i need to get done i just need to do the work. Its a tedious process of constant adding and checking to make sure it works and playtesting for errors. But it'll com full circle, I just gotta keep playing

I will need to learn how to make my transitions of my models more fluid. Thinking about adding music and sounds but that's for later purposes not on agenda.

In playtesting a lot of the problems that arose needed fixing. There was this constant bug that skipped over certain dialogue. I needed to cleanup my code a bit more. I also need to look into debugging that way i can update my playtesting in real time using the console.


Listen To Me 3.4 MB
Apr 13, 2022

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